Friday, March 17, 2017

Dishes and Duty: Husbands of Thirtyone

My wife and I are pretty entrepreneurially tilted. So, when one day she told me she was considering going into direct sales with Thirtyone, I was surprised, but not shocked.

Surprised, in that my wife is not a "get up and speak in front of a group of people" type of person. She prefers the behind the scenes type of responsibilities.

 Not shocked, because, and I know I'm biased, she can run things. She knows how to plan and set an agenda and be super organized.

To be in this type of business, those are the qualities that are needed. It is most definitely why she has had some success with this as well, currently as a Director with Thirtyone gifts, and this is also where I have become initiated into the fraternity of H.O.T. (Husbands of Thirtyone)

So while she plugs away at her business, I happily pick up the slack, because that's what it means to be a H.O.T. More specifically, a husband in general.
Just as she has let me chase down every whim in my career path, from childcare , to social work, to retail, to sales, to direct care, to grad school, to teaching....I feel privileged to be able to support her on her journey.

Tonight, this means doing the dishes. Other times its dropping a catalog off at the Post Office, or even making a product delivery. What ever it is, I'm a partner in this. I'm a H.O.T.

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