I've lived in Grove City my entire life. Whenever I interview for a job I always have this cute line I give when I'm telling the interviewer about myself.
I love Grove City. It's a great place to raise kids. Good School. Good People. I was born in Grove City, grew up in Grove City, and will probably die in Grove City.
I'm also half Filipino. For those of you who are of the um....more homogeneous persuasion or maybe you're just more Caucasian than anything else...growing up Asian in small western Pennsylvanian town is definitely a very interesting experience.
For those of you who know me well, you know that I really have no qualms about being self depreciating about my ethnicity. I've never taken myself too seriously and most times I will beat people to the punch in poking fun at my "differentness." That's not too say that sometimes the stereotypes stung a little.
I remember one fellow classmate that continued to call me "Gook." I have a high tolerance for ignorance and just general stupidity, but that word has always sat very wrong with me. This teen decided to make it his high school hobby to taunt me with this moniker.
As providence would have it, he ended up in my gym class one blessed school year.
Now, I was by no means a star athlete in high school, but I was blessed with enough coordination to compete in most sports. My "racist foe" was not. (We'll dub him "RF" from this point on.)
It was glorious.
Every Wednesday and Friday, I could compete against the RF.
First it was "Marty Ruley's School of Self Defense." That year I had the opportunity to bring RF to the floor two times. He was even wearing his Asic's Wrestling Shoes.
Second, it was tag football and of course I lined up opposite to RF. I was on him like white on rice and was even able to get a few cheap shots in. Ruley didn't seem to really want to throw a flag. (It being yellow and all, I'm sure Ruley was just being sensitive to my ethnicity.)
There was basketball, where I fouled the crap out of him every game. Volleyball, where I was able to serve it right into his head and the hits just kept coming all year long. Amazingly things never escalated to fisticuffs, but words were definitely exchanged in the gym and in the locker room.
Ironically, much like the Vietnam War, this "Gook" had combated the enemy and broke his resolve. He gave up and the taunts and the racial epitaphs ended. Score for this Asian!
Though it was a personal victory, the Asian community in Grove City still suffers. Here's my personal top ten list of what it's like growing up Asian:
1. Everyone thinks you should be good at math and science.
2. The assumption is that your dad is a Doctor.
3. You will be Chinese, no matter what kind of Asian you really are.
4. In every group project you will be the "recorder."
5. You will know EVERY version of the "Chinese, Japanese, Dirty Knees" rhyme.
6. The only sport you should really be good at is Tennis. (Thank You Michael Chang)
7. The only instrument you should play in band is the trumpet.
8. You squint when you talk.
9. You should be related to Data or Short Round.
10. If your parents aren't doctors, then that is what you should be going to college for.
So, next time you see your favorite Asian, give him an extra pat on the back. He's had a rough time of it...
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