Sometimes Youth Ministry is frustrating and sometimes it's amazing.
I think God really does has a sense of humor. He really does know when to push my buttons and also gives me some reprieve right when I need it. One night at our Youth Fellowship was one of those nights.
I've grown reminiscent lately. I'm working on close to ten years of part time youth ministry and I find myself looking back upon some of the more relevant events that have occurred in this past decade.
Looking back on that particular night I really didn't want to go to Youth Group and I wasn't particularly jazzed about my lesson, but like we all do I sucked it up and trudged on.
Things were going pretty good, I was on auto pilot and during the lesson I really went into auto pilot. We got talking about the Roman Road, specifically Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God." This is one of those "youth ministry talk" standards. One of those talks that you could give in your sleep.
Mentally, I was asleep, but God always has a great way to wake us up.
I remember going on about how we are in desperate need of Love from the Savior. How we are all sinners, we've all failed, and no matter how hard we try we will never be able to earn our Salvation. It was at this point that one of the kids said something that will always stay with me...
Youth: "So, Jason, you're saying that we are made to sin?"
Me: "Well, not exactly, but God did create us. He did give us the ability to have desires and we inherited "Sin" from Adam and Eve.
Youth: "Ok, so God could've just created us without the capacity to sin. He could have, like, turned that off, right?"
Me: "Well, yeah, He could have..." (I'm not too sure on how to respond here)
Youth: "So, God made us Perfectly Imperfect. He knew we would sin and that we would need His Grace. He gave us a desire for Him because He didn't take away our desire to sin..."
At this point, I have no Idea what to say. All the other kids are shaking their heads, understanding his point. God made us Perfectly Imperfect. We are created with a desire to know Him because of our Imperfectness....That's deep.
I know I need to keep thinking about that, and to this day it still jars me. At the same time it makes me thankful for the time I have to spend with these kids. Now I go to church in anticipation for another such moment.
I know it will come, right when I need it the most.
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