Today, I was faced with a harsh and bitter truth.
It is something that I have known about myself for many years, but for some reason it became even more clear today.
I'm pretty rebellious.
I've always had problems with rules and norms. I like to push the envelope, to test limits. I'm always looking for other ways around the challenges that are presented to me.
My wife, Kelly can attest to that. I have a hard time following rules and procedure.
Today was a perfect example. Kelly and I got up early this morning and dropped the kids off at school and headed to Sam's Club, as well as other places. We stopped at Sam's first, knowing that they opened early, but when we got there, these early hours only apply to "plus members" and buisiness'.
Oh well, I thought. We have other things to do. We can wait until 10:00am to get in the door.
And we did until about 9:45.
We pulled into the parking lot and started to walk in the doors. Surely, they would let us in a few minutes early. It's Thursday morning for goodness sake. There's barely any cars in the parking lot.
We approach the "Sam's Club Greeter/Nazi" and show her our ID and she informs us that we will have to wait ten minutes before we can enter.
I kept my cool, but I was really upset on the inside. I kept asking "why can't I?"
What's ten minutes in a barely busy store? What about the slowly growing group of people behind me. What about customer service?
I guess we're all a little rebellious at heart. We want things our way, in our timing, and much like a spoiled child, when we don't get our way, we tend to get a little belligerent.
What a parallel to our lives as believers. God's much like the gatekeeper at Sam's Club. He's constantly telling us just wait. The time will be right soon. Have some peace as you wait for me to open the doors.
I survived. (She actually relented and started letting people in five minutes early!) In the end, we got what we needed and were happily on our way. Maybe I'll remember that next time "the rules" seem to be interfering in my life.
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